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Update Header Fields
When the signature is generated, you can populate the
field. The signature
header field includes these parameters:Signature Parameter | Description |
keyid | The serial number of the signing certificate/key pair. Obtain this in the Business Center Key Management area. For more information, see
Create a Shared Secret Key Pair. |
algorithm | The HMAC SHA256 algorithm used to encrypt the signature. It
should be formatted: HmacSHA256 . |
headers | This ordered list of the fields included in the signature:
signature | The signature hash. |
Signature Header Field Format
Signature:"keyid:"[keyid]",algorithm="[encryption algoritm]",headers="field1" "field2"
"field3" "etc.", signature="[signature hash]"
Signature Header Example
Signature:"keyid="123abcki-key1-key2-key3-keyid1234567", algorithm="HmacSHA256", headers="host date request-target digest v-c-merchant-id", signature="hrptKYTtn/VfwAdUqkrQ0HT7jqAbagAbFC6nRGXrNzE="