Requirements for End-to-End Testing

This topic lists the requirements for supporting end-to-end testing of Apple Pay transaction processing in a testing environment. End-to-end testing requires that test payment cards have been loaded to your Apple Developer sandbox tester account wallet.
If these requirements are not met, Apple Pay servers will not return a valid payload in your test environment.
You have an Apple sandbox tester account.
For sandbox setup instructions, see the
Sandbox Testing
page in the Apple Developer portal:
Follow the steps described in the section
Create a Sandbox Tester Account
If you are integrating the merchant decryption model, you have an Apple test device.
You must register the device with Apple using your Apple Developer account. You will use test device to create the certificate signing request (CSR) that you will use to associate your Apple sandbox tester account with your test environment.
If you are integrating the merchant decryption model, you will use the Apple device in one of the tasks described in Part 2: Create an Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate.
You have a test environment that you can access by logging in to your Apple sandbox tester account.
To create this access, you will use the sandbox tester account to create an Apple test merchant ID. You will use the test ID to create a CSR and use the CSR to create an Apple Pay payment processing certificate. Apple Pay servers use this certificate to encrypt payment data using a key known to your test environment.
The steps for associating a sandbox tester account with your test environment (as well as for associating an Apple production account with your production environment) are included in Part 2: Create an Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate.
You have test payment cards in the wallet of your Apple sandbox tester account.
You will be instructed to add test cards to your sandbox tester account in Validating Your Test Integration.