On This Page
Deposit Fields
Field Name | Description |
Amount | Amount of the deposit. |
Category | Category of the deposit. |
Currency | Currency code of the deposit. |
ExchangeRate | Exchange rate. Includes a decimal point and up to 4 decimal
places. |
ExchangeRateDescription | Exchange rate description from the funding bank. |
Identifier | Unique reference number for this deposit. |
MerchantBankAcctLast4 | Bank account number to which the funds transfer will be
deposited. For security purposes, all but the last 4 digits
are masked. |
MerchantBankAcctName | Name used on the bank account. |
MerchantBankCode | Routing number for the account to which the funds transfer
will be deposited. |
MerchantBankCountry | Country in which the bank is located. Use the two-character
ISO Standard Country Codes. |
MerchantBankName | Bank's name. |
MerchantID | Cybersource merchant ID. |
Method | Funds transfer method. |
Status | Status of the deposit. Possible values:
Time | Deposit time for the transaction in UTC. |
TransferMessage | Deposit transfer message provided by the processor. |
Type | Description of events included in this funds transfer. |