On This Page
Unified Checkout UI
Unified Checkout
UICompleting a payment with
Unified Checkout
requires the customer to
navigate through a sequence of interfaces. This section includes examples of the
interfaces your customers can expect when completing a payment with these payment
methods on Unified Checkout
:Apple Pay UI
These screen captures show the sequence of events your customer can expect when
completing a payment with Apple Pay.
Click to Pay UI
Click to Pay
UIThese screen captures show the sequence of events your customer can expect when
completing a payment with
Click to Pay
.Google Pay UI
These screen captures show the sequence of events your customer can expect when
completing a payment with Google Pay.
Manual Payment Entry UI
These screen captures show the sequence of events your customer can expect when
completing a payment by manually entering payment, shipping, and contact
Pay with Bank Account UI
These screen captures show the sequence of events your customer can expect when
completing a payment with a bank account.
Paze UI
These screen captures show the sequence of events your customer can expect when
completing a payment with Paze.