- Introduction to Payments
- Standard Payment Processing
- Card Present Connect | Retail Processing
- Authorization with Contact EMV and Online PIN
- Authorization with Contact EMV and Offline PIN
- Card Present Connect | Mass Transit Processing
- American Express Delayed Online Authorization with EMV Data
- Tap-Initiated Authorization for Debt Recovery with EMV Data
- Debit and Prepaid Card Processing
- Processing Debit and Prepaid Authorizations
- Airline Data Processing
- Japanese Payment Options Processing
- Processing Payments Using Credentials
- Customer-Initiated Transactions with Credentials on File
- Delayed Transaction
- Incremental Transaction
- Merchant-Initiated Incremental Transaction with PAN
- No-Show Transactions
- Reauthorization Transaction
- Merchant-Initiated Reauthorization Transactions with PAN
- Resubmission Transaction
- Merchant-Initiated Resubmission Transaction with PAN
- Installment Payments
- Merchant-Initiated Installment Payments with PAN
- Recurring Payments
- Merchant-Initiated Recurring Payments with PAN
- Unscheduled COF Payments
- Token Management Service Processing
On This Page
REST Example: Processing an Authorization with Contact EMV and Offline PIN
{ "clientReferenceInformation": { "code": "test123", "transactionId": "uniqueValue2", "partner": { "thirdPartyCertificationNumber": "testTPCN" } }, "processingInformation": { "commerceIndicator": "retail", "authorizationOptions": { "partialAuthIndicator": "true" } }, "paymentInformation": { "card": { "type": "001" } }, "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "totalAmount": "9900.00", "currency": "USD" } }, "pointOfSaleInformation": { "entryMode": "contact", "terminalCapability": 4, "terminalPinCapability": 6, "emv": { "tags": "5F3401019F3303E0F8C8950580800480009F370465B81A3A9F100706011203A0A0009F2608E9D097D1901E8AB99F36020002820218009C01009F1A0208409A032307259F02060000000007005F2A0208409F0306000000000000DF78083831393931303236DF791B322D30323436362D312D31432D5246492D303331332D342E332E62", "cardSequenceNumber": "01" }, "trackData": ";4761xxxxxxxxxxxx=251220111478549?" }, "merchantInformation": { "transactionLocalDateTime": "20230724085022" } }
Response to a Successful Request
{ "_links": { "authReversal": { "method": "POST", "href": "/pts/v2/payments/6938894575296498704951/reversals" }, "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "/pts/v2/payments/6938894575296498704951" }, "capture": { "method": "POST", "href": "/pts/v2/payments/6938894575296498704951/captures" } }, "clientReferenceInformation": { "code": "test123", "transactionId": "uniqueValue2" }, "id": "6938894575296498704951", "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "authorizedAmount": "9900.00", "currency": "USD" } }, "paymentAccountInformation": { "card": { "type": "001" } }, "paymentInformation": { "accountFeatures": { "category": "A", "group": "0" }, "tokenizedCard": { "type": "001" }, "card": { "type": "001" } }, "pointOfSaleInformation": { "emv": { "tags": "9F36020015910AB58D60185BEF0247303072179F180430303031860E04DA9F580903B1BAEDFD1438BA48" } }, "processorInformation": { "systemTraceAuditNumber": "188589", "approvalCode": "831000", "networkTransactionId": "016153570198200", "retrievalReferenceNumber": "324704188589", "transactionId": "016153570198200", "responseCode": "00", "avs": { "code": "2" } }, "reconciliationId": "6938894575296498704951", "status": "AUTHORIZED", "submitTimeUtc": "2023-09-05T04:50:58Z" }